Dalmatiner vom Nienburger Adel
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Countess Chanel vom Nienburger Adel Zian vom Hügel 15.12.2023

We present here our next litter for autumn/winter 2023.

Parents: Countess Chanel vom Nienburger Adel (Cathy) and Zian vom Hügel (Punto).

Cathy comes from a faultless litter with 13 littermates out of the mating of Carmen Spotty memories and CH Eliot s Nevskih Ostrovov. For Cathy it will be the first litter. Sister Cleo (Countess Cleopatra) had a faultless litter in spring and convinced here as an instinctive and caring mother. Punto became father of a liver spotted litter with Bruncetta von der Ostseewelle three years ago. Photos of his offspring can be found on my homepage www.dalmatiner-vom-nienburger-adel.de

In this planned litter liver and black spottet puppies are expected. If Cathy keeps her rhythm, she will come into heat in the September/October range.

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