Unsere Würfe und Welpen
Verfügbare Welpen - Fragen Sie
- Samojede
- 6 Rüden | 4 Hündinnen | Wurfdatum: 22.05.2024Verfügbare Welpen
Unsere Rassen und Hunde
Verfügbare Welpen - Fragen Sie
- Samojede
- Hund | geb. 12.10.2021
- Hündin | geb. 20.12.2021
Unsere Zucht
Verfügbare Welpen - Fragen Sie
Kynologische Gesellschaft
FCI / ZKwP (Związek Kynologiczny w Polsce)
Ewelina Wylon
Hi! My name is Ewelina and Monastery Of Alias is my childhood dream come true.
Animals have always been my passion. I was constantly bringing home a lost dog or bird.
The was established in 2021. Our animals live with us. We go to exhibitions and go to the mountains together.The dogs are kept in excellent shape and are under constant veterinary care.
More information on our Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100095327677359